
Tencel, also known as Lyocell fiber, is an eco-friendly fabric made from natural wood pulp. It utilizes an environmentally friendly production process, including the use of non-toxic solvents and a closed-loop water system.

The production process of Tencel fiber is highly efficient, with almost all solvents and substances in the solvents being recycled. Additionally, Tencel fiber offers excellent moisture absorption and breathability, making it a comfortable choice. It also possesses a smooth and soft texture with wrinkle-resistant properties, ensuring garments are both comfortable and long-lasting.


Repreve, on the other hand, is an eco-friendly fabric made from recycled plastic bottles. It utilizes plastic bottles sourced from consumer recycling as raw materials, transforming them into fine fibers used in various textile products. By using Repreve fabric, the demand for virgin materials is reduced, lessening the strain on natural resources and decreasing waste generation. Repreve fabric offers excellent texture and comfort, while also being durable and easy to care for.